Boost your Ecommerce with Quhint

If you’re looking to take your business operations and digital strategies to the next level, you’ve come to the right place. We offer you a unique opportunity to turn your decisions into tangible and strategic results. Our revolutionary approach to comprehensive analytics allows you to access real-time data, quickly test new ideas, and optimize your strategies.

Join us and discover how Quhint analytics can drive your success in the world of ecommerce.

Level 1

Pod 01 – Commercial and Operations

You can get real-time information about categories and products, to make decisions about the most visited that do not achieve conversions and generate high bounce rates. You will know the performance of each type of shipment, to make promotions on shipping costs and areas. You can optimize your pick-up centers. If your business is in the apparel sector you can analyze the size curve by category.

45 USD

Level 1

Pod 02 - Digital Marketing and Commercial

You will be able to analyze which banners are generating more conversions to reorganize the frontend of your website. You will know the sources/means of traffic through which site visits are arriving, with what conversion and bounce rate, and what campaigns you can optimize for better results.

45 USD

Level 2

Pod 03 - Digital Marketing and Commercial

Know which email marketing campaigns to optimize for different segments of your database. You can also find out the sources/traffic mediums from which visitors are coming to your site, along with their conversion and bounce rates,and identify which campaigns you can optimize for better results.

45 USD

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